Do What You Love...

And love what you do. Isn't that every person's dream? To have a job that feels like it's something you were meant to do? To look at what you've done at the end of every day and (no matter how crappy a day it might have been) to know that you are really truly incredibly lucky?

Well, my friends, I'm excited to announce that today I'm launching my portfolio site in taking the first step towards reaching this dream!

I will be offering services in interior styling, wedding inspiration, and more! There are still a few tweaks that need to be made to the website, but I'm so excited to share it with you that I couldn't wait another day.

I've also added as section to my blog that's all about me and what I do, so pop over for a visit if you want to hear more.

image via tanja lippert

Thank you ALL so much for your love and support as I get my little business launched. This is just the beginning of much more to come, I hope.

I'm off for the rest of the day luvies. Lots of work to do, and tomorrow... my very first coco+kelley interview with a very special guest!
