Birthday Request #1: Vintage Card Catalog

Ladies & Gentlemen ... It's my birthday week. Usually, I try and stretch it for a month, but this year I'm feeling less princess-ish than usual, so really... just a week will have to do (ok, mayyybe two... we'll see). Any-who... Because it's my very special week, I'll just be posting about things I reallllly want (did you notice the Stella McCartney clutch in my fuschia post?), you know, in case anyone out there is feeling extra generous and wants to ship me, oh, I dunno... a vintage card catalog like this?

image via poetic home

I don't need a huge one... just something to keep all my little bits and baubles in. I just love the way they look, don't you? Mmm hmm. Go ahead, add it to your wishlist too. But, I'm warning you, birthday princesses get first dibs ;)