Inspiration In the City

I can honestly say that since I began blogging, one of the greatest gifts it's given back to me is opening my eyes to all the beauty that we pass by every single day. (PS - you know you're a blogger when your camera is permanently attached to your face.) So, when I stumbled upon this project, I fell in love...

Everyday objects, graffiti, dirt, buildings, whatever. It's all art in the eye of the right beholder. (And I am really likin' that color combo!)

The project was started by six RISD students, and has been continued on by others. Reading the mission statement alone is inspiring...

"The goal of the Urban Curators project is to engage the public in the celebration of the decaying urban environment, recognizing its inherent aesthetic qualities as well as the important role that it plays within our cultural habitat."

Feel like participating? Me too. I'll share mine if I can get around to actually doing it! Please share yours as well, and upload it to the Urban Curators website!