The rain will not stop here in Seattle (I should be used to this by now), but I've hardly noticed lately as my days have been swept up in a new schedule! While I've been very good at keeping up with coco+kelley, I feel like I'm missing out on so many little things without my daily tweeting and blog hopping. So, what's causing my hours to be sucked away, you ask? A new job, my dears - a fantastic, perfectly made-for-me job... can you guess where it is?
No, I'm not moving to Europe (wouldn't that be nice?). Next best thing ... I'm working for Anthropologie!

Just before the holidays I noticed that they were hiring for a merchandiser... specifically for their home department. Um... hello? Moving things around to make them look pretty? I do that all day! Now I get paid to do it and the boy doesn't have to put up with my constant rearranging at home since I get it out of my system at work. There's a lot more to it than that, but I won't make you insanely jealous with all the details. Let's just say it's very, very awesome.

So, forgive me as I go through a little state of transition adding a daily merchandising schedule to my blog and interior+event design schedule. Life is hectic, but so worth it. And, since I'll be needing a little assistance, all of you who emailed me back in November about the internship positions will be hearing from me very soon, now that I know what my days are settling into.

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend...!

*image via the new anthropologie catalog