I love every. little. thing. about this photo...
I can't wait for fresh flowers in the house again!

Thanks to all 250 of you who entered this week's giveaway! I'm always overwhelmed by so many responses...it's a great reminder of how many wonderful readers I have. Especially the ones who don't always leave the comments but are there day after day - it's nice to hear from you!

And now... our winner! Ms. Olivia - you better start trying to decide between the anchor print and the coral geometric print (my two faves too!). Perhaps one of each?

To the rest of you, I recommend a small splurge on the notebooks or a planner from Pretty Chic for yourself! These are the types of little pieces I love to purchase a bunch of to have on hand for fun last-minute gifts too ... although there's no way I'm giving up the ones I already have!