Wedding Wednesday {Shower Power}

I promised everyone a sneak peak into the "high tea" shower that my family threw this weekend. Having never been to a proper high tea before I'm not sure all the standards were met but it certainly felt like it!

Of course Chloe had to join in the fun! And now it's on to the final details because we're at just 5 weeks away from the big day my dears. 

Update: Some important details I forgot to explain. Family members collected tea cups and tea pots from friends and neighbors. Every creamer, sugar bowl and plate had the proper serving utensil all found on Etsy. And all the beautiful finger foods were homemade. The super yummy customized teapot cake and cupcakes were made by the uber talented Clarissa, proprietor of Cupbakes. It was all an amazing amount of work for a truly charming afternoon!