Some of you may remember that back in November of last year, I put a call out for interns here at coco+kelley. I was focused on building the blog and my new design business, and it seemed like a perfect solution! Then... a most fabulous opportunity came my way over the holidays and 2010 found me working as a home merchandiser at Anthropologie! It is a dream position for me, and I couldn't be happier.

As you can imagine, life has been busy busy. I spend my days juggling my 'day job' with coco+kelley blog posts and clients, working to stay inspired and original with my content while bringing the same energy to my merchandising. All of this, of course, means I had to completely revisit the idea of interns and what role they would play here. Well, I've finally figured out the next step, and I'm so excited to get started!'s the scoop! I'm going to begin this process all over, and start by seeking contributors to the blog itself. I'm looking forward to building on current content, bringing back past series, and starting new topics! As far as what I'm looking for... as long as your ideas fall within the 'lifestyle' category, you're good to go! Here's what I'm looking for:
Start by thinking of a topic you'd like to blog about on a consistent basis. Do you love to entertain? Maybe your contribution is a Creative Cocktails or Small Bites weekly post. Live for tracking down ways to mimic gorgeous rooms on a budget? Perhaps your niche is a Cheap Chic article! Art, entertaining, travel, fashion, weddings, decor... it's all open to proposals.

For the next two weeks I will be accepting 'applications' in the form of blog posts. They should follow my formatting style and be delivered in proper html coded form (either within an email or attached in a document). Photos need to be sized at 500 pixels wide and should be high quality. Please let your own voice shine through! However, I ask that you stick to the tone and aesthetic here at coco+kelley. All submissions will be due by April 15th.

After I sort through the posts, I will select my favorites. From April 26th - 30th, those posts will go up on coco+kelley for the true test - capturing the attention and affection of the readers! From these posts, the new contributors will be selected! Right now I am hoping to pick 2-4 people to blog on a schedule that is tbd (no more than once a week).

If you have questions, please feel free to email me at: cocokelley (at) gmail (dot) com. Because I am hoping to fill these positions with writers and designers who can format their own posts, I will not be offering assistance in this area. And, for those of you still interested, yes there will also be internship positions coming soon! Looking forward to see what beautiful pieces arrive in my inbox.


*images via lonny magazine and {this is glamorous}