I Think I'll Go to Boston...

Hi friends! No more posts for the week as I'm getting ready for a very long weekend, spending some time with the boyfriend on the east coast, and I can't wait! Nothing to put me in the Christmas spirit like bundling up for New England weather. Anything particularly wonderful I should be seeing? Let me know! I leave bright and early tomorrow morning for Connecticut, then we'll spend the weekend in Boston.

You can expect me back on Tuesday! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Luv & Ciao!


Glittery Trimmings!

Ok, apparently this has turned into packaging week. I just stopped by the Creature Comforts blog and saw these cute little glittery toppers and I am officially in love!

Gorgeous on a gift, I think they could also add just a little holiday sparkle to things around the house - like how they tied it around the sweet little birdie below...

There are a limited number available, so go check out the shop right now!

Eco Wrapping!

After my last post, I received a great question from Nunu Pepe (great blog!) asking for suggestions on eco-friendly paper. When you think about how much paper gets tossed every year around the holidays, I can imagine that if all of us used alternatives it could make a great impact.

I did some research and while many places offered options like wrapping your presents in fabric (much easier to re-use every year) or getting crafty with grocery bags, magazines, and other things I remember using to cover my books in high school (cute, but not exactly what I had in mind), I did manage to find one place that offered recycled paper that is actually COOL.

Fish Lips design has some very fun patterns to choose from. These two are cute for the holidays, but some of their other designs could work just as well too!

For more ways to make your Christmas a very green one, check out these resources!

Real Simple featured some alternate wrapping ideas for the holidays, noting that "Household waste increases 25 percent between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. In the United States, trash from wrapping paper and shopping bags totals 4 million tons." Yikes!

Using newspaper with lush ribbons makes it work!

Wrap presents in other presents - two gifts in one! I use this tactic a lot, actually, and while it can ruin the 'surprise' element, it always turns out beautiful!

Some blogs for great green ideas...

Inhabitat's green holiday gift guide, ecoFabulous who always features "sustainable sexy stuff", and simply green for everyday ideas.

If anyone else has some good ideas for ways to make the holidays more green, post 'em up!

Brown Paper Packages Tied Up With String...

Brown paper and string might be classic, but I prefer to add a little color to my packages for the holidays. I usually pick out a color scheme for my wrapping, and this year I'm going with metallics (not a big surprise!). I love finishing off my gifts with wonderfully textured ribbon and a perfectly coordinated tag, so I decided to search on Etsy for this year's toppers, and found about a billion options! I've sorted through a lot of them, and here are my favorites...

If you're going for red, then these tags are for you! From Bluebird Lane comes a very vintage tag with a cute little message; intricately designed round tags from Elfrida are clean and cool; "Dashing through the snow" is the message on a classic tag from Green Ridge Designs; a fun an d modern deer pattern by Modern Printed Matter; and a very yummy chocolate pattern from Pictures of Lily features a deep red back.

Go for poppy prints with these tags in classic reds and greens and modern designs! I love these cute little does from Just Another Day; Christmas songs inspired these tags from Every Jot and Tittle; sweet little birdies are a popular theme this year, and i especially liked this one from Pink Bathtub; have you been naughty or nice? find out with these tags from Pinky Creations.

Go for something a little different with black and white or blues from these artists. Love this top set from things are better with a parrott (and you can use them after the holidays are over!); monogram tags with victorian lettering are such a great way to personalize a gift - from Every Jot and Tittle; kitchy santa tags from Paperologie; aqua snowflakes would look great paired with silver or red wrapping - from Kiss 'n Tell Cards; and more deer from Nea Blossoms who has some other very cute cards as well.

So which ones am I using with my packages this year?? These two are my absolute favorites to pair up with my matte gold and silver wrapping...

A bit more pricey, but worth every penny, these tags will not be tossed out with the wrapping paper, but lovingly pinned to bulletin boards, or tucked away with Christmas decorations to be used again. I love the glittered edge, the simple message, and the ribbons! From Moth to a Flame.

My second runner up, I really love the chartreuse green used for such a classic tree, and the aged paper. Don't you think they'll just pop against a gold or silver paper? From Petite Pear.

Happy Thanksgiving!

My absolute favorite holiday by far, I'm looking forward to food and friends today... as well as having a day off! Thanks to all of my readers... I am so grateful to all of you for helping to make this blog better with your comments and compliments. I hope you and yours are having a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Feeling Luxe?

I am. Feeling luxe that is. Maybe it's the turn of the seasons and the nearness of the holidays that is moving me towards golds and furs, but whatever it is, it's sure got a hold on me! A few things I'm loving right now...

This gilded gold chair from Soane out of the UK, would look so perfect in my bedroom. It might even be chic enough to keep me from piling my clothes on it! And even though the red is sexy, for my room I'd cover it in a velvety grey... so yummy.

I have no idea why I'm so obsessed with having a fur throw for my bed right now, but I just love how sumptuous it looks! This room is especially gorgeous with its warm wood walls, crisp white sheets, and a furry little throw (minus kitty, thank you - none of those allowed in my room). Although I think that mirror should be gilded in gold (surprise), and hung above the bed! While wood walls at home might be a little restricting, this room would be perfect for a little resort or second home in the San Juans...

Oh, and you can choose from a selection of them at Pottery Barn which is where they usually end up catching my eye sometime in November, and then I wait 'til after Christmas and cross my fingers for a sale!

This pillow from mimou is just in time for the holidays, and if I can get my hands on one, you better believe it's getting tossed onto my couch! Again, contrasts here are key, and I love the raw silk with the sequins in a fun little pattern.

This is Ridiculous... and I Love It.

Ok, seriously... who needs a hammock in their home? Better yet, who needs an extremely luxe fur-lined hammock in their home? And still... I just want to jump into it, curl up with a good book, and take a nap.

Available at Vivre, the hammock is lined in coyote fur (i know, i know, real fur! bad!) and I can just picture it in a lofty home with rich wood walls like this one...

(PS - Love the zebra chairs, even though I'm sick of seeing zebra everywhere, not to mention the architecture of the room itself!)

Creature Comforts Holiday Guide

Who doesn't need a little directional inspiration for the holiday shopping season? Well, some of you may have already noticed the link to the Creature Comforts Holiday Gift Guide on the left side of my blog, but if you haven't... click it!

My Etsy shop is one a few featured under the "vintage" category, and I just added some cute new items, so please peruse the merchandise! Also, if there is something you're looking for that you just can't find anywhere, please drop me and email and I'll see what I can do to help you find the perfect gift... you wouldn't believe the many resources we have in LA!

Here's a peek at what's currently in the shop...

Room of the Week 11.16

I had a hard time finding an inspiring Room of the Week today... maybe it's because I have so many rooms that I like pieces of, but finding an entire room to be inspirational? That's tough. So I went back to my one of my favorites... Jay Jeffers.

This is a room I've been saving for a rainy day. It's so Hollywood glamour... I want to throw on a fur lined satin robe and eat bon bons all day...

Obviously its those gorgeous windows that make the room, but there are so many wonderful details here! I especially love the coffee table - such great shape, but also a lightness that lends to the overall feel of the room. Those side tables are also amazing... and the lamp on the right is stunning with its double shade and light aqua. I want it! Such a soothing palette and very dreamy, this is a room I could definitely live with.

A Pencey for Your Thoughts...

My best friend Erin sent me this chic little ensemble yesterday from Pencey, and I am head over heels for this gorgeous green and creamy white combo. Perfect for the holidays... and all winter long.

Plus, I love this model's totally messy hair - looks just like mine in the morning ;)

Why Didn't I Think of This?

When I think of wallpapered kitchens I picture teeny little roses in a country/shabby chic pattern that makes me wanna puke. I spent too much of my childhood in kitchens just like that... but THIS idea... this idea is pretty genius.

Put in some gorgeous wallpaper and instead of fretting over greasy kitchen buildup or splatters from baking, you simply place a pane of glass over the wallpaper to keep it nice and easy for cleanup. DUH!

(photo and idea via LivingEtc.)

Pretty as a Picture

In case you haven't noticed, my style definitely tends to fall on the side of mod/trad (that's modern traditional, fyi). So, when I find a piece that has a bit of both, I instantly fall in love. Hence my desire for this sweet little picture frame from Patina.

I also have a feeling this would make a great DIY project. Find an acrylic frame and then make your own frames for your photos within it!

Modern Moroccan

Ok, ok, I know. The whole Moroccan thing is getting SOOOO over done. But, I kinda fell in love with this table from White Webb and had to post it. It's such a perfect marriage of modern meets classic with that old world shape in a simple silhouette of acrylic.

Can't picture it in a room? How's this for some inspiration?

And you thought you'd seen this style done every possible way! This room is definitely different from most of the spaces I've seen reflecting an Indian or Moroccan theme. Very glam, and the windows are amazing.

Tablescape for Thanksgiving

Is it really possible that Thanksgiving is almost here? This LA weather has not helped me to get into the holiday spirit this year... I'm so used to blustering winds, power-outages, crunchy leaves and chilly nights that it hardly seems like fall at all (it's supposed to be 80 degrees today!). But, after browsing some blogs yesterday, I came across this photo via AphroChic's posting on her tabletop inspirations...

I love the collection of rich metallics - especially mercury glass which is my fave! But, I like to mix my golds and silvers with some rustic woods while I'm at it. Here are some wonderful tabletop accessories I'd love to have this Thanksgiving...

The centerpiece for my table would be this amazing driftwood candelabra from Vivre. I love the eccentric shape and gorgeous wood. And, just image how much more character it would have after years of use ... candle wax drips and all!

I also found some other cool accessories at Vivre, including these silver coated walnuts. The contrast between the metallic outside and the dark insides is too cool.

I think they would look so stunning piled in a variety of bowls across the table... perhaps these mercury bowls from Z Gallerie whose holiday collection I must say is incredibly affordable.

The nuts would also look pretty in some olive wood bowls... and what would go better with those than olive wood flatware? Something I've always wanted to have for my table. I like this set from Sur la Table.

To add a little glam to the table, and to balance out the candelabra, I think I'd try to squeeze in these gold glass 'table turnings' (as they call them) from West Elm.

And then, of course, scatter some mixed votives down the table in all sorts of glass... but definitely these mercury votives from C.S. Post.

I suppose I have to leave some room for actual food, so I'll add one last piece... I've always had a thing for tea glasses, and I think this set from Global Table would look especially nice with this theme!

How's that for some Thanksgiving inspiration?

New Bloggers on the Block

Well, friends, I had an incredibly busy week last week, working through the weekend, so... I'm taking a day off to get caught up on life and get some fresh blogging ideas. In the meantime, however, I'd like to introduce you to a few of my friends who have started their own blogs, so please visit them and cheer them on as they start on their own little blogging adventures!

The Yellow Brick Blog belongs to one of my best friends, Lyndsy, whose love for yellow inspired the name... and you're sure to be inspired by at least one post a week whether it's Wino Wednesday or Frugal Friday (wine reviews and favorite selections from Forever 21!)

(That's me and Lynds out for her sister's birthday!)

Want a little fashion inspiration? Head over to Avery Bleu written by my friend Lindsay (yes, another one!) whose taste is impeccable (or at least very similar to mine!). She specializes (so far) in showcasing a variety of pieces following trends like preppy argyle, sassy sequins, and our favorite green :)

One last blog that's more of a temporary holding spot for my friend Kelly while she gets her website up is Keiki Quilts. Based out of Phoenix, Kelly sells her adorable baby blankets and burpers to a few retailers, and is starting to branch out on her own. I can't wait to have my own kids so she can create one for me! This one is my current fave:

Room of the Week 11.8

This room comes from the portfolio of Roger Davies and the reason I chose it is because I love it and hate it at the same time. This is SO not my style, and yet there are so many things in here that I love! I can't stand clutter, but I understand layering in a room, so parts of it work for me and parts of it don't. I think the groups of art on the walls bother me the most, and yet they give good movement to the room. And what about those lamp shades? Did they steal them from grandma's living room? And yet... they somehow work in this mishmash of styles (a little country, a little moroccan, and a little crafty?). So, what do you think? Love it or hate it? I have to say I completely admire people who pull this look off. I'm so clean with my spaces, it definitely makes this style harder for me to achieve.

PS - Did you notice the wallpaper? It's a little hard to see, but it is awesome.

Urban Electric

Last week on Decor8, Holly featured a piece (actually a few!) on the Emperor's Lamp by Design Dessert (you can see her post here).

The simple lines created by the silhouette of this lamp reminded me of a piece I've always loved by the Urban Electric Company...

The Anson Ribbon pendant lamp is a statement piece in this bright aqua, but its thin metal construction keeps it from feeling to heavy or overwhelming. I would love to see this piece in a room of red and aqua - maybe a fun kitchen or dining room! Plus, what a great DIY project to spray up an old chandelier (how many of these have you seen in the thrift store?) with a fun and bright color?

Some other favorites from the same company, whose pendants and sconces are offer a wonderful selection if you're in the market for lantern inspired pieces or clean and simple lines.

The Carlyn (sexy and sleek) and the Cirque (modern chinoiserie!).

Gunston (love the shape!) and Balfour (love how it blends into the wall).

Maxine (a nice mid-mod piece) and the Lafayette Double (pretty much gorgeous anywhere you put it).

A Basin of Beautiful Finds

Some of you may be familiar with the site Erie Basin where the vintage jewelery finds having me falling in love every time I stop in for a visit. My latest crush?

An emerald and opal 22k gold band dating back to the 1900's. So simple, so perfectly worn, and so made for me! Emerald green with my birthstone? I'm really really really trying to resist the temptation...

Some other cool pieces include this 'medal' brooch created with soft leather and finished in a metallic green by Natalia Brilli. While I know I'd never wear it, the decorative possibilities are endless for a unique little piece like this.

And, a completely random piece for a jewelry site, and a wee bit late because they could be cool for Halloween..

These oxidized bronze birds feet by Lee Hale come with a box of very skinny candlesticks to fit them perfectly. A very unique set to say the least!

The Caboche

In case you were wondering (I know I was!) where that gorgeous pendant lamp came from in the Room of the Week below... I'm pretty sure it's the Caboche pendant lamp from Foscarini Caboche, available at Hive.

They come in a variety of sizes, and the smallest starts at $841. Such a fun shape! And a playful yet classy design.

Room of the Week 11.2

Franki at life in a venti cup had originally posted this room a few weeks ago, and of course I loved it... one guess why!?

It's my green! And I don't know why I hadn't thought about it sooner, but the bathroom seems like such a perfect place to put it. I'm loving how the floating sinks keep the room so light with a bright white floor, that glamorous chandelier, and of course the green Philippe Starck mademoiselle chair! Although, I think I would have to add just a splash of some other colors or patterns just to mix it up a little bit - and get rid of that wall sculpture (sorry, just not my style!) I just want to curl up in that big bath, light some candles, and relax ALL WEEKEND!