New Series: How Do You Hibernate?

I don't know about your neck of the woods, but we've hit that very tough time of year in Seattle when the days become very short (and generally grey, rainy and chilly) and the nights become veeeerrrrry long. It's the time of year where bed becomes pretty much my favorite spot in the world and my mind swirls around little else than soup, hot chocolate and cozying up with the hubby.

Spending all that extra time huddled under the covers also got me wondering, how might some of my friends in blog-land hunker down for the long winter? And then I thought, why not ask them!

So I present to you a new Apartment 34 series: How Do You Hibernate?. Darling Kate, the brilliant mind behind the must-read {wit + delight} kindly obliged to answer this burning question to kick the series off. And her response is just pitch perfect for Tasty Tuesday's month o'carbs. Ahhh, a girl after my own hungry heart.

With that, I give you Kate!

How Do You Hibernate: {wit + delight}

I truly believe that nothing warms the soul like a hearty meal with great friends. So naturally, spending time in the kitchen is my favorite way to pass the winter months. I indulge a little more; lattes over an americano, savory dishes over crisp salads, and my sweet tooth kicks in just in time to hijack my new years resolutions.

images via 1, 2, 3, 4

A few of my favorite winter recipes:

~ bacon wrapped figs
~ martha's mac n' cheese
~ apple, goat cheese, and honey tartlettes

Mmmmm, I'm drooling already! A huge thank you to Kate for getting things off to a delicious start. As we slog through the winter, be sure to check back. Many friends will be stopping by with their hibernation tips all the way till spring!