Wedding Wednesday {Why I Love Weddings}

On Christmas eve the hubby and I will have been married for 8 months. EIGHT months. It has flown. How is it that just this time last year we were in the throws of planning. I must confess, before our own, I was never a huge fan of weddings. I'd never really pictured myself having one, often found them contrite, over the top or too often boring. I'm sure wedding like that still happen every day, but the wonderful thing is that they don't have to.

There are so many things to love about weddings. Things like

Head turning backs,
ks11 via jill thomas

Saturated hues,
hd27 jill thomas

Lavish details,

Such pretty paper,
bahl6 gorgeous paper maemae paperie

Dressing up,

Mouth watering tables,

Far-flung destinations,

And generally having the time of your life.

Best of all, you end the day with the person you've chosen to be with. Which is pretty darn cool for one single day. No wonder I just want to keep doing it again and again and again!

And many of you have been asking about our wedding pictures. I know the wait has been long and I thank you for your patience. The reveal will be happening VERY soon - stay tuned!