Tag... You're It!

Julie at Belle Vivir just tagged me, so apparently I'm it! I am supposed to say 7 random things about myself and tag 7 more fellow bloggers, so here it goes...

1) I am HORRIBLE with numbers. I don't know when this happened, but apparently being a very visual person makes me terrible with math.

2) My dad was born in Italy, which makes me a first generation American on his side of the family ~ so strange to think about! He owns a restaurant in Seattle that has the best meatballs and red sauce you've ever had.

3) I love leaves crunching in the Fall. It might be one of my most favorite simple things, and it turns me into a 7-year-old.

4) I'm a total neat freak, except for when it comes to the clothes all over my room. Cleaning is like a form of therapy for me!

5. I started blogging because I feel like we should all experience something new and inspirational every day. When I'm driving around the city, I try to stop and notice the things that we either don't see or take for granted. I love to travel for the same inspirational reasons ~ seeing new places is completely energizing!! (that was like two things in one)

6. You'd think that a home decor addict would love HGTV more than anything, but actually I prefer ESPN over pretty much everything else on TV. They have the best commercials! And you can't beat Sportscenter one-liners.

7. When I was little I used to practice being Scarlett O'Hara in the mirror ~ I thought Gone With the Wind was the most romantic movie ever!

I'm still figuring out who to tag next...