Hell of a Hotel...

I stumbled upon a photo from this hotel in one of my favorite blogs, nunu pepe, and I loved the room so much I decided to check out what the rest of it looked like, and was totally blown away by these artistic designs.

Some of you may have heard of the Daddy Long Legs hotel in South Africa, as it's been featured in many magazines. As the website reads, each room is "uniquely decorated by an artist, poet, photographer, designer or musician, but, they were afforded complete freedom to interpret the space as they pleased, resulting in a collection of hotel rooms that are an adventurous, humorous (and sometimes ironic) representation of Cape Town’s contemporary cultural landscape."

Without further ado... check these spaces out:

While not exactly the most relaxing spaces, it would be interesting to wander through these rooms like you would an art gallery. And, undoubtedly, just as art is incredibly personal, you are bound to find a room that calls to your personal aesthetic. The one that drew me in in the first place was the grey room with the maps on the wall... now THAT room I might actually be able to sleep in. To each their own!