My First Official Blog Rant...

The NY Times recently published this article about how the accessibility of design has become a challenge and annoyance to designers, editors, and bloggers alike. It's so hard to be original when once something gets picked up a few times in a decor mag (and then a blog... and then all over the internet), it automatically becomes commonplace. With large corporations making popular designs available to the masses (which I am not necessarily complaining about!), it does make certain pieces less special. Why would you go spend a few hundred when you can drop $39.95 for a knock off?

Affordable Ikat from Z Gallerie, and not-as-affordable from Madeline Weinrib

Here's how I see it - there are certain trends you know you're going to get sick of (bubble skirts, ikat pillows, whatever), and you go to Forever 21, H&M, Urban Outfitters, or Target and you drop a minimal amount on it because in a few months you're going to be over it anyway. But, there are those pieces that REQUIRE investment. A nice pair of jeans, a tailored suit, THE purse. A gorgeous lacquered console, luxurious linens, THE dining room table. It makes all of our livse better and worse at the same time. There were trends this year I was so sick of before I even liked them (wall decals! skulls! sorry, but, ugh!), and there are trends I am still in love with (admit it, you'd take a Madeleine Weinrib pillow or zebra rug right now).

Ok, I'm ranting a bit here (wow, I believe this is a coco+kelley first!), but I suppose that there are good things that come out of the accessibility of trends - it keeps me on budget, and keeps all of us us on our toes - always looking out for the next big thing, discovering boutique treasures or true talents, and usually returning to (or at least incorporating) the classics. But it's time to get creative and trust our instincts, so here's my first official new year's resolution. I WILL NOT LET MY BLOG GET BORING. And by boring I mean, I will try very hard not to simply copy posts from other's posts, or reiterate what has already been said a million times on the pages of major design magazines. If it moves me, I will post it. If it's a stupid trend that I cannot stand, you will never see it on my blog. I am not claiming to be THAT original (I'm a sucker for Kelley Wearstler too... ) but I believe in creating and promoting designs with personality. I think most of us out here in blog-world do the same. And what's great is that we really ARE all different - we all have our little loves and obsessions, and it's so fun to learn about those. But yes, nearly all of us has probably posted on zebra-print rugs and hermes blankets and skull patterns and deer heads and every other ridiculous trend because, let's face it, it's hard NOT to!

So, now I ask you, as we look back at the year, what trends did you hate, and what do you hope will be sticking around for a while? I'm interested to see what designs really spoke to you this year, and which ones fell short... And thanks for letting me rant :)