I have a teeny addiction to posters... especially those of the pop-art/text variety. I have the "Keep Calm" in red. I have the "For Like Ever" that everyone went crazy for after it graced the cover of Domino in pink AND gold (I couldn't decide!!). I even have the "We Are So Good Together" poster that has been lusted after in the blogging world, most recently by pinkshirtsandcarwrecks (great blog!!).

So... what to get the girl who has all the coveted posters? MORE posters of course!

My favorite spot to find them is here at The Poster List. They're awesome and affordable, and they have something for every room in the house...

For my dining room, since I have no beautiful chandelier over the table.

For the living room because my couch is nowhere near this gorgeous, and sometimes we just need a little reminder to relax...

For the crafty room that I don't yet have space for in my teeny apartment.

Perhaps for the office?

There are so many to choose from... these are more of my favorites.

Of course I think these might be the two most appropriate...

To a very happy new year... and to lots and lots of blogging!