How Much Can One Girl Rock?

Yesterday, Jennifer Ramos of made by girl left a nice little message on my post about prints, and directed me to her shop by the same name here. After about two seconds I pretty much fell in love with her "kick ass girly" style (yes, those were my exact words to her). Maybe it's because at the moment I feel sending my boyfriend this card...

(Yeah, he's being an ass).

But, all my personal angst aside, these designs are right up my alley. For my Britney lovin' BF, Lyndsy...

Merry Christmas girl ;)

Besides the 'words' series, she has some cool pop art cards...

and this very clever little poster that I might just have to order...

Did I mention that all of her cards are printed on recycled paper? This woman is all about being green. She even donates a percentage of sales to stop global By the way, the best poster design is one that definitely describes her own talents (not to mention many of ours!).

Besides her awesome little shop, her blog is pretty kick ass as well. My favorite recent post of hers featured this extremely cool house featured in the NY Times...

Loooooove the pink and black bedroom. Check out the post here for more photos, and her shop for more cool paper goods!