Room(s) of the Week 2.28

Tom Scheerer's soothing interiors have always been a source of inspiration for me, so this week I bring you two spaces designed by him...

Two spaces that are very similar! These are two different homes (one in the Bahamas, and one in Charleston), but, I'm positive that that's the exact same couch combined with a Saarinen table, and the lattice chairs. What's going on here? Did a client see one room and say "I want that," so he duplicated a similar look? Or is this a case of "If it ain't broke, why fix it?". Here's my real question - does it bother you when designers use the same look over and over, or do you consider it a 'signature look' when you see a space and know it was created by that person? I always find it interesting to look through a designer's portfolio and find pieces that are similar throughout (I swear Tom uses the Saarinen table in every home!)... but it also makes me wonder - where's the creativity in that? What do you think? Interior designers out there, I expect to hear from you on this one!

Oh, and the other question is... has anyone actually used a couch/dining table/chair combo like this in their home? I think it's beautiful, but... does it really work?