Wall to Wall... and the Chair too...

Maybe it's just me, but this little mini revival trend of covering a room in wall to wall wallpaper... and then covering the furniture in it too... I'm just not sure what to think. Obviously designers have been doing this for years... but I just don't think I'm into it.

Like this room, recently featured in Domino. The wallpaper itself is a little loopy, but add the chair into the mix and I feel a bit like I'm in some weird decor funhouse. The effect is interesting, and seeing as the piece is such a small one, it's not too crazy, but still...

Or how about this more subtle (but still a little much?) set up from designer Joe Nye? Part of me just feels like it's all a bit too matchy matchy. Like buying an entire bedroom set from Pottery Barn. "What should we upholster the chair in darling?" "I don't know... how about the wallpaper?". Is it lazy? Is it chic? Do you love it? Do you hate it?

Update... THIS is the WORST version of this nightmare I've ever seen! Had to share...