Just One Little Birthday Wish...

For the last week or so I've had friends and family asking me what it is I'd like for my birthday. Well, the day is here, and I can honestly say that there isn't much to want! I feel incredibly blessed in many ways to be where I am.
*our entryway bookshelf*

Those who have been following for a while now know that one year ago I moved back to Seattle from Los Angeles in order to focus on launching coco+kelley as an interior and event design company. Since then, this blog and my few clients have brought so many rewarding opportunities - the most important being the fact that I get to wake up and do what I love every day!
*the current fall inspiration board above my desk*

Well, about a month ago I decided it was high time to take the plunge and dive into this thing for real. I quit my other side projects to focus on making the most with what I've started here. And, with a bit of hard work by my amazing designers at Cooper Multimedia (highly recommend them!!!), I am so excited to announce that coco+kelley now has its own website!
The philosophy of the company is based on the content you see here everyday - bringing effortless glamour to every project while helping our clients (locally and virually!) take their inspirations and translate them into interiors, tabletops, wardrobes, weddings... just about every aspect of their lives!
*a color inspiration board for a client in los angeles*

So, if there's one birthday wish I do have its this: Visit the website. Share it with your friends who have just moved into a new home, your newly engaged BFF who doesn't know where to start on her wedding, the couple hosting their first Christmas, your mother who hasn't changed her furniture around since 1987... anyone who could use a little stylish assistance in their life! You'll be supporting me, this blog, and my business in the best way possible - spreading the word.
*and, yes, finally a shot of my bedroom ... almost done*

And, of course we'll be celebrating my birthday all week long with some fun little giveaways, so be sure to visit everyday for your chance to win some festive goodies!!
