The Wishlist Begins...

It wouldn't be a birthday week around here without a completely unattainable wishlist (hence the word wish) - so let's start with one of the most insanely gorgeous and original chandeliers I have ever laid eyes upon...
Ladies and gents - I give you the Andre Arbus "Christal Chandelier" - recreated by Baker this market as a part of the debut of the Andre Arbus collection that is nothing short of breathtaking. This, piece, however, was so enchanting that I didn't even notice those horrible ceilings until just now.

The original chandelier hung in Arbus' Paris apartment - can you imagine? Three bulbs are hidden by the crystal 'crown' that surrounds them, all encompassed in a perfect bubble and 'hung like a jewel' as Baker says. Perfect for a birthday princess, if I'm not mistaken.

PS - I'll have much more on High Point, Arbus and Baker to come!