Happy (Fall Shopping) Weekend!

I admit that I have yet to really fill in my fall wardrobe. Cold is not my season. But, I'm feeling a bit more inspired than usual to do a little treasure hunting this weekend...
A bit bored with most of the overpriced goods out there (and the ones I truly love are way beyond my budget at the moment!) I'm determined to visit some of my favorite vintage stores in Seattle that have been neglected. Fingers crossed for finding a few unique pieces!
As for my BFF, she won't need to be doing any more shopping as we successfully found her wedding dress (no peeking mr. w!) at the beautiful Bridal Garden a few weekends ago!! The one bridal shop in our hometown, I remember growing up saying 'someday we'll get our wedding dresses here'... little did we know it would really happen!

Oh, and to add to the fall shopping list? Pop over to see the recently added black label at ban.do. Worth a pre-holiday splurge? Perhaps!

Hope you all get in a little fall shopping of your own this weekend... what's on your must-have list?? I'm going to start with these lacy black tights...
