Did Someone Say Champagne?

If you're planning on celebrating with a little champagne tomorrow night for New Year's, might I suggest the coco+kelley cocktail?

This incredibly cheesy photo is of me on my birthday a few months ago in Seattle at Barolo (psst - you have to visit their site to see the rest of the gorgeous decor and best theme music I've ever heard).

A swanky little setting, isn't it?

We had the private table above, and wonderful service. My best friend Erin called ahead and requested that they create a cocktail for the evening - and thus the coco+kelley was born.

What they came up with proceeded to be ordered throughout the evening - it was a wonderful little concoction, and oh so simple: Champagne, Vodka, and a splash each of Raspberry Juice and Orange Juice. Fabulously yummy, not to sweet, and sure to get you tipsy (so watch out!).

Wishing you a very safe and happy New Years...

"Now let us give thanks for the New Year ahead, which is given to us fresh, untouched and filled with things that have never been."


Peace, Luv, and Aqua

Just wanted to wish you all the best for the holidays before I disappeared for a bit. I go home to Seattle tomorrow morning to be with my family and friends for nearly a week, and I am SO looking forward to it! I may post a few things while I'm there, but will be back to my regularly scheduled blogging after New Years. I leave you with some fun images in one of my favorite color combos... (still crazy about it after all these years!)

Images via Toast and Tables, and Flickr.

Here's to you and yours...



Straight From The Source...

Whenever possible, I always believe it's best to support artists and designers by purchasing their goods directly from them... well, now you can add one more designer to that list - Eva Zeisel.

Some of you loyal readers may remember me blogging about this gorgeous coffee table from the talented Eva months ago. Well, thanks to a nice little email from her grandson, Adam, I discovered that all of us are now able to purchase a number of her amazing designs straight from the designer herself through the website Eva Zeisel Originals.

They, of course, carry the coffee table I've been lusting after, not only in black, but also an exclusive warm walnut...

But, my new favorite is the dining table, which I am SO going to try and convince my dad to use as the 'table of honor' at his next restaurant. Can't you just picture it... "Yes, I'd like to reserve the Zeisel table tonight"... sounds so fancy!

Eva's designs have been praised throughout the years, and have provided inspiration for many. They are still as significant today as they have ever been, with their gorgeous curves and a truly unique and personal touch. Can you imagine growing up with her as your grandmother?

As Adam wrote in an article for D Home, "Blinded by normal adolescent behavior and an immature eye for true beauty I never quite realized how famous Eva really was. I grew up receiving her designs as gifts and attending her award banquets but it never clicked that she was so revered. It wasn’t until I started building this business that I learned the extent of her following."

To gain a full appreciation for her process, check out this video...

A few more of my favorites from Eva include this incredible acrylic candelabra...

...and sensual recycled brass candlesticks.

From the sounds of things, Adam is just getting started on growing this online shop with more of his grandmother's amazing pieces, so bookmark it now and stay tuned!

A Tree of My Own

I did it! I found myself with some time to spare around 4:30 in the afternoon today, after finally finishing up all my Christmas shopping, and I decided to do a little hunting around the neighborhood for branches... a harder task than I thought it would be since I live in a concrete jungle, but I found them! My neighbors probably thought I'd completely lost my mind, carrying a bunch of sticks up in the elevator, but I propped them up with sweet little birdies and bulbs, and here's how it turned out...

I have no mantle, and no cool credenza or buffet, just my completely awesome bar cart, so I decided to put my 'tree' up on it. Trust me when I say it looks better in person than it came out in the photos... The mirror is an old cast off piece from a submarine (random, but kinda cool, right?), the bronze birdies I found on ebay, the chocolate brown votives I bought years ago and I loooove the way they glow.

The candlesticks (which are a bit hard to see) are one of my favorite pieces on my etsy store right now, and the bowl of nuts is actually the leftover glass from a D&L candle. A pretty thrifty little set up if I do say so myself! Which is probably a good thing since Christmas is in FOUR DAYS!!

I finished it off with this little bronzed branch in the shape of a "C" that I knew would be perfect the second I spotted it during my shopping excursion today. Found it at one of my favorite stores in LA - New Stone Age on 3rd. If you're having trouble finding the perfect gift, GO HERE!

As for the tree... I think I'll have to keep it up at least through the next few weeks so that I can really enjoy it :)

Room of the Week 12.21

I'm not quite sure what it is about this room... but I absolutely love every little piece of it. It has a sense of calmness and simplicity that I need in a bedroom, with gorgeous details. I love the chandelier - how it was placed so low, off-centered, but perfect somehow. I have a thing for buffets and dressers with dozens of little drawers or closed shelves like the one in the window - something about the rich wood and maybe a bit of curiosity at what exactly is hiding behind all those doors? Like an adults version of an advent calendar... which drawer to I get to open today? And what little treasure is hiding inside? The peachy chair looks so inviting and worn in, the bare floor perfect for bare feet, a cozy fireplace with simple mirror and accessories, a small vanity set up on the dresser, and the all white bedding...

Plus, the windows! I think they must look over a beautiful city like Seattle, San Francisco or Boston... maybe a little peekaboo view of the water...

Yes, it's official, I'd like to move in now.

My First Official Blog Rant...

The NY Times recently published this article about how the accessibility of design has become a challenge and annoyance to designers, editors, and bloggers alike. It's so hard to be original when once something gets picked up a few times in a decor mag (and then a blog... and then all over the internet), it automatically becomes commonplace. With large corporations making popular designs available to the masses (which I am not necessarily complaining about!), it does make certain pieces less special. Why would you go spend a few hundred when you can drop $39.95 for a knock off?

Affordable Ikat from Z Gallerie, and not-as-affordable from Madeline Weinrib

Here's how I see it - there are certain trends you know you're going to get sick of (bubble skirts, ikat pillows, whatever), and you go to Forever 21, H&M, Urban Outfitters, or Target and you drop a minimal amount on it because in a few months you're going to be over it anyway. But, there are those pieces that REQUIRE investment. A nice pair of jeans, a tailored suit, THE purse. A gorgeous lacquered console, luxurious linens, THE dining room table. It makes all of our livse better and worse at the same time. There were trends this year I was so sick of before I even liked them (wall decals! skulls! sorry, but, ugh!), and there are trends I am still in love with (admit it, you'd take a Madeleine Weinrib pillow or zebra rug right now).

Ok, I'm ranting a bit here (wow, I believe this is a coco+kelley first!), but I suppose that there are good things that come out of the accessibility of trends - it keeps me on budget, and keeps all of us us on our toes - always looking out for the next big thing, discovering boutique treasures or true talents, and usually returning to (or at least incorporating) the classics. But it's time to get creative and trust our instincts, so here's my first official new year's resolution. I WILL NOT LET MY BLOG GET BORING. And by boring I mean, I will try very hard not to simply copy posts from other's posts, or reiterate what has already been said a million times on the pages of major design magazines. If it moves me, I will post it. If it's a stupid trend that I cannot stand, you will never see it on my blog. I am not claiming to be THAT original (I'm a sucker for Kelley Wearstler too... ) but I believe in creating and promoting designs with personality. I think most of us out here in blog-world do the same. And what's great is that we really ARE all different - we all have our little loves and obsessions, and it's so fun to learn about those. But yes, nearly all of us has probably posted on zebra-print rugs and hermes blankets and skull patterns and deer heads and every other ridiculous trend because, let's face it, it's hard NOT to!

So, now I ask you, as we look back at the year, what trends did you hate, and what do you hope will be sticking around for a while? I'm interested to see what designs really spoke to you this year, and which ones fell short... And thanks for letting me rant :)

A Little Birdie Told Me...

Buy me, buy me!!

I just found this little treasure on ebay and I am dying to have it!

It's so sweet with its little green rhinestone eyes, and get this...

The top comes off to reveal these miniature tongs that attach to a magnet (so smart!). The listing says it's a pill box... I can just see him perched on my vanity...

Who Needs a Tree Anyway?

I've been pouting the last few weeks about the fact that I don't have a Christmas tree in my apartment. I haven't had the time or energy to not only go out and find a tree, but to buy up bunches of ornaments, a tree stand, a tree skirt... all the usual accessories that I would have had if I hadn't left them in storage back in Seattle... *sigh*

So, I've been trying to come up with a quick and easy low-maintenance alternative that I can throw up in the next few days to appease myself and maybe keep around for a bit after the holidays... and THESE are my inspirations!

Can we say SIMPLE!? Plus, it goes with the the birdie theme that I had in the back of my head for this year's tree-that-never-happened.

Gorgeous arrangement from Michelle Rago (who is a genius btw!). This was obviously for a wedding, but wouldn't it be a pretty Christmas tree? I love the idea of orchids because they're unexpected, luxurious and look so soft and natural gracing those branches.

One of my favorite entries from Anna's contest on Absolutely Beautiful Things, from Melissa at The Inspired Room. Love the non-traditional, yet wintery colors!

Stay tuned... I may come up with something yet!

I Love....

this vintage metallic dress in such a classy cut, and the perfect style to flatter my curves...

I have no plans for new years, but if I did... watch out! This dress would be coming home with me in a second!

Found via She's A Betty and available at Red Pony.

PS - If you snatch this dress up, I want photos, because I'm going to be INSANELY jealous!

Next Christmas...

I was just reading through this post on ATLA and it made me think of a really fun little idea for a holiday party invitation...

Send these glass balls (VERY carefully packaged of course) with an invitation and instructions rolled up inside the ball to have everyone find something fun to put in their ornament. Bring it to the party and decorate the tree! For fun, you could try and guess whose is whose - or you could assign 'secret santas' and have guests create one for other guests. I think my crafty girlfriends would LOVE this... gosh, I'm feeling kinda Martha at this cheesy cute idea!

Lamp Lust...

I found this image in a magazine that is now long gone... and I am lusting over this lamp. Has anyone seen anything similar to it?

*sigh* - it's probably vintage, which means I'll either have to find it by chance, or hope for a really good reproduction. I really really love how simple the shape is, the fact that it's all metal, but still very glamorous and not too cold, and the little pull chains to turn it off and on (I have no idea why I love those, but I do!). If you have any ideas, please let me know!

How Much Can One Girl Rock?

Yesterday, Jennifer Ramos of made by girl left a nice little message on my post about prints, and directed me to her shop by the same name here. After about two seconds I pretty much fell in love with her "kick ass girly" style (yes, those were my exact words to her). Maybe it's because at the moment I feel sending my boyfriend this card...

(Yeah, he's being an ass).

But, all my personal angst aside, these designs are right up my alley. For my Britney lovin' BF, Lyndsy...

Merry Christmas girl ;)

Besides the 'words' series, she has some cool pop art cards...

and this very clever little poster that I might just have to order...

Did I mention that all of her cards are printed on recycled paper? This woman is all about being green. She even donates a percentage of sales to stop global warming.org By the way, the best poster design is one that definitely describes her own talents (not to mention many of ours!).

Besides her awesome little shop, her blog is pretty kick ass as well. My favorite recent post of hers featured this extremely cool house featured in the NY Times...

Loooooove the pink and black bedroom. Check out the post here for more photos, and her shop for more cool paper goods!


I have a teeny addiction to posters... especially those of the pop-art/text variety. I have the "Keep Calm" in red. I have the "For Like Ever" that everyone went crazy for after it graced the cover of Domino in pink AND gold (I couldn't decide!!). I even have the "We Are So Good Together" poster that has been lusted after in the blogging world, most recently by pinkshirtsandcarwrecks (great blog!!).

So... what to get the girl who has all the coveted posters? MORE posters of course!

My favorite spot to find them is here at The Poster List. They're awesome and affordable, and they have something for every room in the house...

For my dining room, since I have no beautiful chandelier over the table.

For the living room because my couch is nowhere near this gorgeous, and sometimes we just need a little reminder to relax...

For the crafty room that I don't yet have space for in my teeny apartment.

Perhaps for the office?

There are so many to choose from... these are more of my favorites.

Of course I think these might be the two most appropriate...

To a very happy new year... and to lots and lots of blogging!

Hell of a Hotel...

I stumbled upon a photo from this hotel in one of my favorite blogs, nunu pepe, and I loved the room so much I decided to check out what the rest of it looked like, and was totally blown away by these artistic designs.

Some of you may have heard of the Daddy Long Legs hotel in South Africa, as it's been featured in many magazines. As the website reads, each room is "uniquely decorated by an artist, poet, photographer, designer or musician, but, they were afforded complete freedom to interpret the space as they pleased, resulting in a collection of hotel rooms that are an adventurous, humorous (and sometimes ironic) representation of Cape Town’s contemporary cultural landscape."

Without further ado... check these spaces out:

While not exactly the most relaxing spaces, it would be interesting to wander through these rooms like you would an art gallery. And, undoubtedly, just as art is incredibly personal, you are bound to find a room that calls to your personal aesthetic. The one that drew me in in the first place was the grey room with the maps on the wall... now THAT room I might actually be able to sleep in. To each their own!

Take A Deep Breath... It's The Weekend!

Well, it's Friday, but I have the day off, so it's the weekend for me! I thought this photo was appropriate because all I've felt like doing this week is curling up with a good book and some hot cocoa or tea and taking some deep breaths...

... right after I finish all my Christmas shopping... *sigh*

Hope you all have a good weekend!

Room of the Week 12.13

This week's 'room' is a series of monochromatic color palettes. See, part of me finds this very soothing... and part of me wants is wondering who can live like this every day? Where's the pattern? Where's the fun? So what do you think? Balanced or Boring? Do these rooms do it for you, or put you to sleep?

Lovely lilac gets a bit of warmth from a golden toned wood floor.

One of my favorites from designer Suzanne Kasler.

A cool bedroom from Libby Langdon.

Grey on grey by Amy Lau.

Super Yummy Goodness

If you're one of those people who likes to stock up on one gift for co-workers, friends, hosts and emergency giving, then might I suggest something that might just be the best thing in my kitchen at the moment?

This truffle salt from Cassina Rossa is simply divine. I add it to eggs, fresh popcorn (with no butter or anything!), roasted potatoes... you get the picture. You can find it at Dean & DeLuca, as well as other high end grocery stores, and the packaging is so pretty you don't really have to dress it up!

If you want to turn it into an even better gift, add some more perfectly packaged goods, like this popcorn from Williams-Sonoma (or any other gourmet store), and pile them into a great bowl like the one above from Crate and Barrel and you're all set.

Porcelain from Polka

I adore these designs from design group Polka as 'everyday' ware for the table. Granted, I don't think I'd use them everyday, but the bright colors in the floral pattern would be so wonderful for a sunny brunch tabletop decorated with wildflowers and berries...

And the goldfish just pop off the simply design dishes in shades of orange and gold...

Love them both!