Catch Me If You Can...

Over at LoftLife today as usual, blogging on Rooms from the Runway! And, if you haven't already popped over there, visit the lovely Paloma on La Dolce Vita to read up on my Personal Style Defined post...
*pssst - these are the flowers on my desk right now. so pretty!

AND, I have one big request to make of all of you fantastic, wonderful, amazing readers (honestly, I get compliments from other bloggers on how great you all are).

I'm sure you've seen many of your favorite blogs being nominated over at Divine Caroline for the LOVE! This Site Awards. Well, my dears, pop on over, register, and vote for all your faves (which hopefully includes me!), because one lucky blogger will win a little cash-money! I promise to use it only for good... like putting it towards my little portfolio website makeover!! Thanks to all who take the time to put in a vote!!
