Wedding Wednesday {Invitations}

There are many, many details that a bride can obsess about. That's why I'm trying to limit myself to just a few key elements that I really love and care about. One of those is definitely invitations.

I've loved pretty paper forever. Nothing beats a meaningful, old-fashioned handwritten note or handcrafted card. That is why I really wanted to take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity and get some gorgeous invites - preferably letterpress. 

Any of these would fit the bill.

There are crazy talented graphic designers and print studios everywhere. But here is my question. Is there such a thing as letterpress that doesn't break the bank? Maybe I'm incredibly naive, but as I've begun my search the beauty of letterpress appears to be out of my reach. Especially since we're looking to do a very, very small run.

Brides, designers, brilliant people, what say you? Do you know how you can achieve your letterpress dream without blowing your entire wedding budget?!