Wedding Wednesday {Color Crisis}

It has come to that time in the wedding planning process where I am supposed to pick colors. Your colors, it' said, set the tone for your entire occasion - coming in at the save the date phase and carrying through to the last napkin holder, ribbon or flower.

I say that is a lot of pressure! I realize by selecting a color palette you do make your life easier - narrowing down the choices you have make into a single color universe is probably very helpful. But I'm fighting the requirement to select just one!

A girl tends to think pink.

Pink! by salbug00.

But it's so easy to be green.

Pontefract Cakes by salbug00.

Blue to match the ocean?

81 by salbug00.

Or perhaps muted neutrals to match the Baja desert?

What's in the Bag 1 by salbug00.
images via here

What is a girl to do?

There are tons of talented wedding bloggers out there who provide us with a wealth of beautiful ideas like this and this and this. but I've yet to hit on that perfect tone....

What is your favorite wedding color these days?