Happpy (Sweet) Weekend...

I can't believe how quickly the last few months have flown by. September already? The days have become shorter, the nights cooler, and our unpredictable Seattle weather is back to its tricks again... while the sun is shining at the moment, the clouds are supposed to roll in soon...
Our days will soon look like this - chilly, a cold breeze blowing from the water, spitting rain...
But still... there's a little hint of summer to be enjoyed... flowers are at the ends of their bloom, and our wellies are not quite ready to come out of the closet. I could go for a weekend that looks like this...
Finding our own little piece of quiet and green, setting up a lawn chair, breathing in the fresh air and... ahhhhh... enjoying the last long weekend of summer...

See you Tuesday my dears!

*photography by hugh stewart