Sponsored Post: Must Have Shoes!

You know when you're on the hunt for the perfect pair of heels, and you pop over to your favorite online shop, hit the search button and cross your fingers in hopes that "sexy gold heels" won't return with stripper shoes? Yeah...

Well, at MustHaveShoes, they've cured bad search results by creating tags and categories for every shoe! Granted, they have some *ahem* very unique selections... but I figured I'd give it a shot and see for myself what happened when searching for the perfect fall looks. I searched "fall" and "black" and here's what came up...
A very cute pair of 'tweed' flats, which is right in line with fall trends, a pump dripping with gold detail (love that!) and a suede boot that I'd be willing to try on for size!

Unfortunately, my favorite finds were under my second search - sandals! Yeah, yeah, I know. Summer's almost over. Buuuuut...

Ok, don't hate me. But I LOVE the idea of these moccasin sandals. Totally one of those pieces you'd see on some fashionista and think "I could never pull that off"... oh, but you can if you have those long lean tan legs! Gladiator sandals in snakeskin I could probably do without, but still, would have been a good style for the summer. The bottom left pair are my favorites. I seriously might have to get them - a very pale blue/grey that ties around the ankle (also in black, orange, yellow and nude!). And, finally, I desperately need a pair to replace my current rhinestone studded sandals that I constantly get complimented on and are completely falling apart - these might just do the trick.

So, m'dears - what's the verdict? If you're looking for something a bit more unique, then pop over to the websiteand dig dig dig. You might just find what you're looking for!
