On The Wall: Amanda Hughen

During my visit to San Francisco, I shared with you that we had stopped into a shop called Propeller Modern. Well, in that shop were these two pieces, side by side, placed over a couch, creating this beautiful, barely there landscape...
I was immediately drawn to their subtle coloring (neutral lover that I am), the incredible details, and the use of graphite and gesso on a wood panel to create the 'scenery'. Upon returning home, I immediately googled the artist, Amanda Hughen, and was just as intrigued by the rest of her work!
As a part of a series Amanda did back in 2002/03, she used wood panels from Ikea (talk about Ikea hacking!) as her 'canvas' for many pieces of work like the ones above. Her more recent pieces are the ones below, the first of which is my absolute favorite...
The color palettes she creates are simply amazing! And how beautiful do they look side by side? For more of her work, please see her online portfolio - it's absolutely full of inspiration! I could only be so lucky to own a few pieces someday to hang on the walls of my home.