We may not have snow here in Seattle yet, but I know many of you have already had light dustings in your city and part of me is hoping for just a touch this weekend...I love the delicate silence of snow and how it makes everything look a bit more beautiful... if only for a brief amount of time...
And if we don't get any, I'll suppose I'll drape the mantle in cotton stalks and glass icicles. It may be just as insanely gorgeous.

And speaking of gorgeous...
My beautiful BFF had her engagement photos taken by the one and only Jose Villa last month, and shared them on her blog this week. Pop by Apartment #34 to take a look... this one is my favorite...
Stunning. Hope you all have your own magical moments this weekend... 'tis the season...

Just a few little notes... to those who have sent me emails regarding the intern/contribution possibilities at coco+kelley, thank you! I've had so many I'm a bit overwhelmed. You can expect to hear from me soon. And, if you're interested and I haven't heard from you, you can send me an email up until next Wednesday for more information.

Also, last year I started keeping my gift guide over here, and now I remember why - so much goodness and not enough blog space! So, starting next week you can see all my gift recommendations and fun holiday finds at the hit list along with a blogroll of others' gift guides for the season! I've already put up a few in addition to the ones you've seen here, so hop on over!


*photography via uknown and moodboard