We're taking a little time out from wanting today to talk about giving. Most of you know I rarely post pieces around here promoting one cause or another, but I just had to say yes to the lovely Paloma of La Dolce Vita when she requested of us just one little Christmas wish...
Today, an amazing group of bloggers have agreed to clear our editorial calendars in an initiative to raise awareness for Pencils of Promise - a 501(c)(3) organization based in New York that partners with local communities and organizations to build schools for early-stage education in developing nations serving some of the world's most impoverished and undereducated children.
Last December, the Pencils of Promise team visited a small village in Laos and soon dedicated themselves to creating a new school for the children there. The school was built by July 2009 and the children began attending classes on September 1st. This month, Pencils of Promise will be opening their third school and they hope to open the doors to education for more children in 2010.
Now, the Pencils of Promise team have dedicated themselves to the next challenge - the village of Champet which is home to the only high school in Laos for surrounding villages. In order to attend this high school, the students must leave their families and homes to live in 'dormitories' ... only these unsafe dormitories are simple makeshift bamboo huts.
In the spirit of the holiday season, we are asking for your help today on behalf of these children. The objective? To build safe lodging and a library to benefit the girls who attend school here. If each person who reads this post donates just $1.00, we could raise thousands. If you are willing and able to give more ($35.00 buys shelves for a classroom, $100 provides a teacher’s salary for three months...), the possibilities are endless. In the midst of the giving season we hope that this cause may speak to your heart and that you will make a donation today by clicking on this link.
As for myself, I know that giving is a very personal decision. With that in mind, I encourage you all this holiday season to consider reaching out to a charity or cause that you truly believe in and volunteer or donate as a way to give back to the communities you choose to nourish - whether they be global or local. We can all make a difference.

*for more information on pencils of promise, please visit their website. all photography provided by nick onken