I have a total girl crush on Natalie Portman. Whenever I see her in magazines I immediately feel like running out and purchasing whatever lipstick she's wearing because we have the same coloring. And if I ever decided to highlight my hair? I'd probably do it like this...
I mean seriously - how can one person be so gorgeous? Not to mention smart and talented. But (sorry Natalie) the real topic of interest here is actually the dress she wore for her recent cover shoot for Marie Claire... I. Love. It.

It reminds me of one of my favorite Chanel pieces, but is actually a Lanvin dress from the 2010 Resort Collection, which I've actually had bookmarked forever and now am completely inspired to share because if it doesn't put a Friday morning smile on your face, I don't know what will!
The collection reminded me of a few things... 1) playing dress up 2) crazy grandmas 3) those photo booths that everyone has at their weddings now where they supply wacky hats and props. And that, my friends, is why it's awesome.
You know I'm drooling over the green ensemble!! I loved the head-to-to saturation of one color. So dramatic. But then again...
These little bursts of color are pretty hard to resist to. And that black dress? Yes please!