
Thriller is a Halloween classic, but I've never seen it done like this...or quite so well!

PS, these are inmates in the Philippines!

Happy Haunting :) 

Happy [Halloween] Weekend

The rain is pouring and the power went out this morning... a sure sign that Fall has hit Seattle. I supposed getting dressed by candlelight is perfectly appropriate for Halloween?

The pumpkins are carved...

photo via flickr
And the costumes are donned..

Have a fantastically spooky and sugary Halloween!

This Ain't No Disco...

What I really want to be for Halloween...

photo by tim walker
Is a big round shiny pretty...

photo by yvette roman

Disco ball. How fun would that be?

See? Totally cool. Except instead of white leggings (quite possible the most unflattering piece possible), I think I'd have to pair it with some hot black skinny jeans or something a bit more rocker chic. Hmmm... maybe next year?

Q & A with C+K: Sweet P and Sage Vaughn

This Saturday in Seattle, former Project Runway designer Sweet P and her husband, artist Sage Vaughn, will be launching their first official collaboration in a stunning display of fashion meeting art.

Hosted by Pulp Lab, the garments created by these two talented artists will be on display and available for limited edition (three of each design) sale. Thanks to a mutual friend, Julie Wolfson, who writes for laist, I miraculously got the opportunity to chat with Sweet P and Sage about this upcoming show, their art, and more! (PS - This post has been condensed. To read the entire interview, go here!)

C+K: Let's start with a little Project Runway question - how has the experience of being on the show influenced your design career?

Sweet P: It’s opened up a lot of doors to opportunities that wouldn’t have been possible, for sure. Name recognition is a huge thing because it makes your item sellable. In a way it’s kind of sad because I think the whole celebrity thing is a bit silly, but it’s just the way things are - especially here on the west coast (in LA). I definitely believe that the show was a huge thing for me and has allowed me to get to where I am today.

C+K: Your show Ghosts in the Garden is a collaboration with your husband, painter Sage Vaughn. How did the idea for the collaboration come about?

Sweet P: Kate (from Pulp Lab) had emailed me because we have a mutual friend in common. She wanted to do a show with Sage's work, but he’s restricted as to where he can show because he's represented by a management company. I came up with the idea of incorporating the art onto garments, and Sage loved that, so that’s how the whole thing came about.

C+K: How was is working as a husband/wife team?

Sweet P: There were definitely challenges along the way. For example, one of the dresses didn’t turn out right the first time, so we ended up having to start over. And it’s hard saying to someone “I don’t like this” when they’re an artist too. I’m sitting there looking at something thinking “What do I think about this? Do I like this?” But I just had to tell him when it didn’t turn out the way I wanted, and he understood. I think we both gained a better understanding of each other’s creative perspectives from this project.

Sage: It was interesting. To know that part of the process is created with love makes for a tender and slightly volatile work environment, and you literally take your work home with you.

Sweet P: Sage likes to work on his own, and I’m good at working with people and he was also getting ready for a show so he was really really busy. I would have to book time with him, and kind of keep things moving along. I think I was kind of a pain in the neck sometimes. But, we have a good relationship and we communicate really well, so even though it wasn’t always easy, we definitely worked well together.

C+K: Tell us a bit about the process of applying the art to the garments ~ did you have to experiment a bit to get it right?

Sweet P: We ended up using acrylic paint watered down for one of the pieces because the dyes didn’t work. For everything else, we used fabric dyes and fabric paint. It was a challenge for me to think of how to create a garment to incorporate his artwork without taking away from the aesthetic of his paintings too. The corsage dress is my favorite because of this. It’s very textured fabric and I wasn’t sure how we’d be able to paint on it. We decided to dip dye the flowers, which Sage did himself, and then drip the paint down to create a look that really follows his style.

C+K: The contrast of nature with the somewhat haunting colorless backgrounds in your art makes quite an impact. Did some of this carry over to the Ghosts in the Garden concept?

Sage: Exactly. The simplicity of the colors within the garment showcase Sweet P's strengths and elegance as a designer. Her truths come from exquisitely adept handling and shaping of the cloth. She can create so much from so little. It also acts as a blank canvas for me to then work on. It was important for me to approach this as a textile designer and not a painter. I did not want it to look like a painting on a garment, we wanted it to have the best aspects of both arts without fighting each other. This was also our motto for working together. I hope it was successful.

C+K: From the looks of it, I'd say it's an amazing success. I look forward to meeting both of you on Saturday! (For entire interview, and more questions with Sweet P, go here!)

* All images from Ghosts in the Garden by Tommy Clark, model Emma from Heffner Management. Runway images via All other images via Sweet P's blog and Sage Vaughn's website.

A Little Embellishment Never Hurts

Love love love the gorgeous embellished details from Antik Batik.

The only problem is choosing which piece! (via here)

Birthday Request #7: Coolest Doormat Ever

I know, it's totally random. But what you don't know is that I have a deep love for a little thug life humour...

And I SO want this sitting at my doorway.

Birthday Wishes and Caviar Dreams

My turn to become one year older is just around the corner and if we must age, then I say we must do so in style!  There isn't much that I would want to ask for, as many who know me would attest to, other  What can I say - shoes are my weakness.  I look at them as my version of jewelry.  

This post - namely these shoes - are the basis of my birthday inspiration.

I have already begun the birthday ensemble planning, as any birthday-girl worth her salt would do, and if I had my wish, any of these gorgeous shoe options would be the perfect finishing touch for a proper celebration.

For a touch of fun,

For a touch of sparkle,

or a touch of hot pink fabulousness.

While I'm at it, I'll take this closet to keep my treasures in please!

Beautiful Wedding Accessories Bouquet Flowers

wedding photographer

Beautiful Wedding Accessories Bouquet Flowers

Wedding Accessories Scotland Castle

Wedding Accessories

Wedding Accessories Scotland Castle, shoes, bag and jewelery.

Flea Market Wedding Accessories Packages

Wedding photographer

Flea Market Wedding Accessories Packages

Wedding Accessories, Red and White Beautiful Flowers

Wedding Accessories

Wedding Accessories by anikarenina, Red and White Beautiful Flowers

Wedding Accessories with Button and Sweet Ribbon

Wedding Accessories, Wedding photographer

Wedding Accessories with Button and Sweet Ribbon

Hump Day

Darlings, I'm slammed.

via .v

Deadlines have me knocked flat on my back, but I promise to pick myself back up and return just as soon as I can!  

Happy hump day!

Do What You Love...

And love what you do. Isn't that every person's dream? To have a job that feels like it's something you were meant to do? To look at what you've done at the end of every day and (no matter how crappy a day it might have been) to know that you are really truly incredibly lucky?

Well, my friends, I'm excited to announce that today I'm launching my portfolio site in taking the first step towards reaching this dream!

I will be offering services in interior styling, wedding inspiration, and more! There are still a few tweaks that need to be made to the website, but I'm so excited to share it with you that I couldn't wait another day.

I've also added as section to my blog that's all about me and what I do, so pop over for a visit if you want to hear more.

image via tanja lippert

Thank you ALL so much for your love and support as I get my little business launched. This is just the beginning of much more to come, I hope.

I'm off for the rest of the day luvies. Lots of work to do, and tomorrow... my very first coco+kelley interview with a very special guest!


Green [Street] Glamour

I recently renewed my love affair with Will Sanders Photography after finding this series...

If I had that dress, I think I'd wear it everywhere too. The back is simply stunning!

A Little Piece of Heaven

Office lust in full effect.

I love everything about this room.  Every single detail.  Love the floors, love the Swedish light fixture, love the olivewood Dunbar console, love the it, love it, LOVE IT!

Tabletop Inspiration: Fantasy Dining

I don't know if it would be realistic to recreate this completely glamorous tablescape for a fabulous dinner party or the holiday season, but I would love to try!

Scattering white roses (or other flowers) in small vessels down the table would be easy. The furry throws are available at Ikea. It's recreating those chandeliers that would be a bit of a challenge - and they are definitely the focal point of this table - but how amazing would it be?

Seriously Stunning

Cassandra's post of b&w glam had me drooling this morning.  I'm not the queen of fabulousity like she is, however I would rock this stunner of a ring in  heartbeat.

Eric Beamon Ring

Eek - it's sold out!  I must go googling right now.

Opposites Attract

I can't decide which one I want more...

I cannot get enough of the detail on the table and all that gorgeous black...

And, of course, I love love love these chairs.

both photos via desire to inspire

I Love...

This absolutely perfect pair of lamps from Belvedere...

The proportion, style, hint of glamour, dose of vintage, and totally chic simplicity is just what I'm wanting for my bedroom. Gimme gimme!!

Freshening Up

We've had more sunshine in Seattle this fall than I can remember having in years. It's making me crave fresh white palettes and open spaces to let in all the light...

Gorgeously simple desk via emmas designblogg.

A fabulous table setting via House Beautiful.

I'll take my breakfast right here, thank you! Via Skona Hem

A clean fresh work space by Jennifer Post

A classic Domino - detail from India Hicks' amazing home.

Strapless Wedding Dress

Wedding Dress

This long sleeve bridal gown item is shown with the shrug but can be worn without it as a strapless wedding dress.

Wedding Dress with Glamorous Design

Wedding Dress, wedding photographer

Wedding Dress with Glamorous Design

Black Wedding Dress, Why Not ?

wedding photographer

Black Wedding Dress, Why Not ?

Wedding Dress with a Trash The Dress Session Photographer

This photo is from a Trash The Dress session. Sometime after the wedding, the bride puts her dress back on for one memorable photo shoot. It's a whole lot of fun, you get some amazing photographs, and in most cases, the dress is fine after dry cleaning.

My Wedding Dress Beautiful White

Wedding Dress

My Wedding Dress Beautiful White

House Hunting

The search for the perfect home is probably endless and my inspiration portfolio just gets thicker everyday.  But today I think I found the topper.  I mean, just look at it. 

I love the natural wood furniture, and the gorgeous reclaimed hardwood floors.  And I must have that purple couch! The killer light fixtures pop against the neutral tones and leave an air of calm and serenity.  It's my dream come true.

And in fact, it could be mine, if only for one night.  This is one of the 88 different suites at The Greenwich Hotel.

I think I feel a trip to NYC coming on!

Lessons Learned...

My birthday weekend started out quite fabulous...

I had a new dress, my favorite people, plenty of champagne, and sunshine all weekend!

But then...

After a perfectly wonderful Sunday brunch followed by shopping... I totally crunched my car backing out of a driveway. Sober. (Good thing I didn't get that Mercedes I asked for!) Lesson learned?

a) Don't be in such a hurry to get where your going.
b) Check your mirrors. ALL your mirrors.
c) A car is just a car. Friends are irreplaceable, so don't let the little (or big) bumps along the way ruin a perfectly good day.

So, thanks to all of you who made the weekend wonderful! (And if anyone has a nice body shop connection, hook a sister up).

xoxo, birthday girl

photography via here and here.

Happy Weekend!

I'm going to kickin' my hot pink heels up and gettin' down for my girl's birthday this weekend.  

There will be wine, there will be food  and we'll see how much we remember come Monday!

I hope you have a memorable weekend my dears!