December Sponsors, Holiday Guides, and A Wedding Roll (In A Pear Tree?)

Just a few things I've been meaning to share with you all...

*1... Have you visited the blog for our December Featured Sponsor? Oliver & Lilly's is a fab little boutique in Vancouver BC with gorgeous goodies like these...

I can barely wait for their online store to launch so I can do some virtual shopping!

If you have a shop you'd like to promote for the holidays it's not too late! Please contact me at cocokelley(at)gmail(dot)com for information on being a sponsor.

*2... If you haven't been following the coco+kelley hit list you've been missing out on my gift guide! Pop over there to check out some goodies like the ones below, and keep returning for more next week! (While you're at it check out the links for more holiday guides as well!)

*3... I've added a wedding section to my blogroll! If you'd like to be included or know of any fabulous wedding blogs to recommend, please let me know! I'm looking forward to incorporating a bit more of this topic in the new year, for reasons like this...

photo via belle fleur

I love the way the sweet peas mimic the details of the dress in this photo... and pink ranunclus? I die!

Have a fabulous weekend my loves! See you on Monday!