Happy (Last Minute) Weekend!

What a week it's been! Holidays and snow days had me a bit busy, as did some guest appearances on a few fabulous blogs that are all up today...

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*1... Check out Courtney's interview at Under A Paper Moon, where you can view some 'vintage' holiday photos of me, as well as a peek into my Christmas tree this year! She featured some fabulous bloggers all week answering the same questions, so be sure to catch up on them as well!

*2... Mary Jo at Trust Your Style (newly added to the blogroll here!) graciously asked me to participate in her Eye On Style feature, and I was completely honored to be featured on her fabulous blog. She's got great taste and fabulous finds, so pop over and say hello.

*3... Finally, another little Christmas interview with Amanda at Swish & Swanky where she too has been interviewing bloggers all week on every aspect of their holiday habits from shopping to decor. Her blog is quite adorable and worth a peek!

As for the weekend... I will be working on a few last minute additions to the Gift Guide while lounging around in my (faux) furs...

Wrapping last minute presents in my favorite room in the house. *sigh*. Seriously Santa. Could you just package it all up and leave it under the tree?

Stay warm and bundle up boys and girls! It's gonna be a cold one...