The Kindness of Strangers

For a little added fun this holiday season I decided to participate in a few gift exchanges.  Stacy organized a great little game where you write a few details about yourself - music you like, favorite places to travel, hobbies, favorite food, and someone will send you a box of surprises. Imagine my delight when a lovely woman named Becky who I've never met and probably never will sent me this.

Turns out Becky is also a card designer - be still my heart!  And she knew exactly what I'd love - a hand-made card, some homemade macaroons (recipe below!), a book to read on my Christmas vacation and a Christmas mix to go with it!

Then Caroline went straight to my weakness - tempting me with her calendar exchange and the darling Ashley sent me a sweet little treat.

The bunny card just cracked me up! I was even more thrilled by the lovely calendar and notepad. They'll both be perfect for my purse.  (I carry a big purse!)

There are so many fabulous, talented, kind and generous people in the world and I feel lucky to be connected to two more. Thank you so much for your wonderful gifts ladies.

May your holidays be bright and merry!

The Fab Miss B's Macaroons

2 1/2 C. shredded coconut
1/8 t. salt
2/3 C. sweetened condensed milk
1 t. vanilla
1/3 C. flour

Combine ingredients and scoop spoonfuls onto greased cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until the tops are golden.  Cool and enjoy the little mountains of goodness!