Luphia Studio: Christmas Cards & Reader Discount!

Remember last week when I admitted I had yet to purchase my Christmas cards? Well, shortly after that I received an email from Tina at Luphia Studio asking if I'd like her to send along some of the designs she had created for her own holiday cards. Um, yes please!!

They arrived just the other day, from all the way across the pond, and I absolutely adore them:

Don't you love how people in the UK say Happy Christmas?! I DO!

I also love the lyrics to this song, so how better to wish friends and family a happy holiday?

Want to get some of your own? Well, you're in luck because Tina has a few left that she's offering in her Etsy shop and she's offering coco+kelley readers 30% off the cards and 15% off the prints! Just enter the code "coco+kelley" at checkout in the notes. Happy Holidays m'dears!