One Foot In The Door

I spent the weekend tackling two big projects. One (you may have noticed) was a little revamp to the blog. The other? Beginning the slow summer move-in with my boyfriend. (Eeeeeek!)

I think we both came to the inevitable conclusion that I have a lot of STUFF. My shoes may end up being the least of my worries. Apparently I'm very good at cleaning out the closet, but horrible at letting go of little home accessories (they come in very handy when styling and entertaining!), so I have a feeling you'll be seeing a few of them end up in my Etsy shop soon!

As for the blog, I hope you all like the new little layout! And since I know you're going to ask, I got the code for figuring out how to move things around, right here. I thought the posts needed a bit more breathing room. And since were on the topic of revamps, thank you all for your feedback over the weekend on the wedding blog idea.... decisions decisions! They will be made soon.

Happy Monday m'dears. I'll be back this afternoon with a big announcement involving next week's style (e)scapes series and a fantastic contest!

*photo via here