Wedded Bliss: Nora + Tyler

I met Nora in college, and when we graduated we both went into event planning, and she opened her own wedding coordination company, Bridal Bliss, in Portland. We've been swapping tips, stories and resources ever since! So, when Nora and her now-husband Tyler got married last month, we all knew it was going to be the wedding of the year... and we were right.
On top of being one of the best wedding coordinators in Portland, Nora's mother owns a bridal boutique and happens to be a genius when it comes to dresses and details. So, of course the ladies were very well taken care of when it came to attire!
The girl's dresses are Kathlin Argiro, but the brooches were found on a buying trip to New York, and Nora decided to add them to the back of each bridesmaid's dress and on the ring pillow. She also added a little extra embellishment to her own dress, as you can see! It was simply stunning.

The little details were perfectly executed making the whole wedding so personal...
Their signature "S" showed up everywhere, but subtly (well, except for the big one that welcomed you to the amazing reception area!).
A dessert bar offered candies and cookies in shades of reds and pinks. The little card reads "Scoop yourself a bag of candy and kisses. Courtesy of the new Mister and Missus." How stinkin' cute is that!?
Getting this family (well, whole crowd for that matter) to stop dancing is a hopeless cause. Nora even incorporated some traditional Iraqi dancers as entertainment for all the guests! This moment came just after the couple made their entrance and everyone piled on the dance floor before the salad had even been served!
The tabletops were bursting with deep pink peonies and orchids... the whole evening was just incredibly elegant and luxe with such her chosen colors of raspberry and chocolate creating a warm palette that glowed in the candlelight and dimly lit room.
Even the menus got a little bling on the 'S' logo!
A huge congrats to the happy couple!! This photo is one of my favorites becuse, despite the horrible downpour after the ceremony, they dashed to their getaway car with smiles on their faces and made the best of their 'just married' moment. You two are amazing, and I wish you all the best!!

*resources: photography by powers studios, floral by geranium lake, reception at the governor hotel