Style + Substance: 20 Years of Elle Decor!

My dears, let's just ask ourselves one question today, shall we? Where would we be without the inspiration that is Elle Decor? Yes we have our other favorites too, but there's something about this glossy that keeps us coming back for more...
20 years ago in October, Elle Decor put out its first issue and Margaret Russell's title was Senior Editor. Today? The Anniversary issue is out and gorgeous as ever, and Miss Russell is Editor in Chief.

In her letter to readers she writes, "... though I'll admit a few of or previous stories made me wonder, What the heck were we thinking?, hundreds of photos... are just as relevant now as they were then. For me that's the definition of a timeless room - it's one that still makes your heart pound, 20 years later".

So, I thought it would be a perfect time to ask you all... what Elle Decor rooms have made your heart pound? What covers have drawn you in because you just want more more more?
For me, the Dec/Jan '95 issue is one that strikes my memory - I believe it was one of the first issues I bought off the stands (at the age of 14!) and devoured every page of. I still have that cover room in my inspiration files. And, more recently, a cover that demanded I sit down on the couch right then and there just seconds after I pulled it out of the mailbox so I could see more of this stunning space. And when you look at these two, they're quite a contrast, don't you think?

But, maybe that's why we love this magazine so much. The ability is has to bring us interiors that range from fresh, chic designs that we can actually recreate in our own homes...
To those that evoke awe, inspiration and envy (definitely another favorite editorial!)...
With so many stunning spaces to drool over, it was a must that they all be collected in a beautiful book to mark the occasion... and we're giving one copy away!
While the rest of you can pick up your personal copy of Style and Substance on October 28th, one lucky winner will get their own advance copy, signed by Margaret Russell herself!

The book cover features an interior by Victoria Hagan that was the top-selling magazine cover of all time for Elle Decor (not to mention it served as the inspiration for the home in Something’s Gotta Give - one of my favorites!) and is filled with those heart-pounding interiors that Margaret refers to.

So, what do you need to do? Easy. Just leave a comment below noting your favorite Elle Decor cover (if you need a little help, feel free to browse the new cover gallery to refresh your memory), or the most inspirational rooms you've filed awayl. The winner will be drawn on Monday! Good luck!