Happy December my dears! We're kicking off the holidays with a fantastic little giveaway from our peeps at Minted - a site I absolutely adore.

If you're not familiar with Minted, you should be! Featuring amazing independent designers, this website focuses on custom stationery, holiday cards, invitations and more. And, just in time for the holidays, they're offering the chance to win $100 towards any Minted product! Use it to treat yourself or give some fabulous gifts to lucky loved ones on your list!
Recently, Minted held a personal stationery design challenge that featured three respected interior designers as guest judges: Martha Elizabeth Angus, Orlando Diaz-Azucy and Jay Neal Jeffers. They selected some wonderful final winners, and now we want to know which designs are your favorites!

To enter the giveaway, simply pop over to the website and browse through the options for personalized stationery or skinny wrap address labels and tell us which one you would choose for yourself! The winner will be drawn on Friday - don't forget to leave us your email if it's not registered!

And, while you're at it, take advantage of this opportunity - enter COCOKELLEY for 15% off all week long (until Dec 9th). Holiday gifts, done and done!