Some of you may have seen the tweets last week announcing the blogger feature in LoftLife Magazine, but I couldn't let this type of press pass by without sharing it with all of you!
I was so so SO thrilled to be included in this insanely talented group of ladies and their gorgeous homes!
I literally gasped in jealousy over Remodelista Francesca's gorgeous chandelier and fireplace (not to mention the rest of the decor!), as well as Kris of Better Living Through Design's perfectly pared down living room...
The article also includes the other ladies who contribute to each of these blogs (Julie for Remodelista and Katie for BLTD) as well as the always adorable Victoria of sfgirlbybay (her apartment has been a long-time fave of mine!), Lori of Automatism, Kim at Desire to Inspire, and the talented Danielle of The Style Files (love her eye). Congrats to all the gals! To learn more about them and their spaces, hop over to the LoftLife blog to read the article, or check us out in print.

*my photo taken by the very awesome brandon sawaya