Happy {V-Day} Weekend

This week has been such a blur that I barely remembered that Valentine's Day is upon us! But remember that train trip the fiance and I were supposed to take? Well, the timing couldn't be better because we happen to be trying it again this weekend. I mean, you can't get much more romantic than an overnight train, right? 

Getting ready for the trip is definitely helping me get into that valentine-y spirit.

photos via jessica deruiter, simple song, unknown, simply bloom photography and sarah yates

I hope you get to spend some quality time with loved ones this weekend and maximize my favorite part of Valentine's Day - the excuse to eat entirely too much chocolate!

Still looking for a some love-ly inspiration? 

- Go to Apt#34 sponsor Reverie Daydream Boutique for the perfect last minute gift
- Or check out my guest post about the perfect Valentine's present for your home

Whatever you do this weekend, go out and spread the love!
