Giving Thanks...

All to often in the overwhelming pace of daily life we get caught up in the list of to-do's and - especially lately - the stress of trying to keep up with it all (thank you failing economy). Which is why I think Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. It gives us that moment we need to take a deep breath and step away from the everyday to have time to say thank you to the people who truly matter and to be grateful for the things we have.

photography by roland bello

Thank you to all the bloggerss out there who provide the daily inspiration we all crave so much. I am constantly amazed by the endless beauty and creations that are out there just waiting to be shared!

Thank you to the readers - the ones who leave encouraging comments and the ones who lurk without saying a word (I know you're there!). Without you, this blog would be a fairly pointless little project. You all are the reason I'm here.

photo by corrie bond

Thank you to friends and family who are there to lean on, to encourage, and to give me a good kick in the pants when I need it the most. Especially to this and this bestie. You gals are amazing.

A very Happy Thanksgiving to all... now go eat some turkey!