Parting Gifts: A Domino Giveaway!

Well, my friends, I'm off to La La Land for the rest of the week and unsure of how much I'll be able to post, but to console you in my absence, I've decided to do a little giveaway...

Last week, the Domino book signing was held at the gorgeous and glam Great Jones Home here in Seattle. I attended, and got you a little gifty-poo...

A signed copy of the book by Domino Editor, Dara Caponigro, made out, "To My Favorite coco+kelley reader..." (that's you darlings)!

I was going to really make you work for this one, but then I decided... eh. We work hard enough for everything else in our lives. I'll make this one fairly easy. Just leave me a little comment on your favorite Domino inspiration. Perhaps it was a stunning paint color, or maybe you're as in love with Julianne Moore's dining room as I am. Whatever it is... let me know. The winner will be chosen at random...ish. Bonus points for originality, cool stories, and seriously old issues. The winner will be announced on Monday!

photo via w mag

As for me... ciao to you (and you, and you). I'm off to the land of glam!