Happy (Blogless) Weekend

My goal this weekend is to get away from blogland a bit and to get out and get inspired! I need some city sights and energy...

... even if the weather happens to be horrific. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

It was a very full week here at coco+kelley, so if you haven't stopped by until now, go catch up! I hope to have some good fresh stuff for you on Monday... which reminds me. I have a little weekend comment request for you all. I want to know...

What types of posts are you loving or hating these days?

I'm planning on adding and subtracting a few things in the new year, so I want to know what you could do without, and what type of posts make your day? What would you like to see more of? Would love your feedback! Thanks darlings!

photography by phil poynter