On The Cheap: Mossimo vs Weitzman

A few of you have asked about the shoes I wore for my little Lucky Magazine photo shoot. Well, they are a fabulous pair of Stewart Weitzmans that I borrowed from a good friend of mine. They are absolutely gorgeous in person, and I so wish they were mine as they seem impossible to find online, and aren't exactly within my budget these days.

Naturally, I've been looking for something similar to get me through the winter in Seattle, so when I found these perfect pumps, I just about died...

An extremely similar style, I've been getting compliments left and right on them (they look better in person, trust me). The best part is that I prefer the pump over the peep toe for the rainy weather here, and they have a little no-skid tread on the bottom, so I won't go tumbling down the steep Seattle hills! Cheap and chic, you really can't go wrong with this little purchase!