Michael Smith Tapped to Decorate White House

I just LOVE a little inside scoop, and this is a good one!

Domino has just reported that designer Michael Smith has been tapped to design the White House interiors for the Obamas. Seriously? I cannot WAIT...

His style is classic perfection, and I think he will do quite an amazing job in keeping things somewhat traditional while making some much needed updates!

’s editor in chief, Deborah Needleman said of the Obamas’ choice, “It will be exciting to see Michael Smith’s great talent for making grand spaces intimate and livable at work in the White House... (he) has the right amount of reverence for the past and faith in the future that will hopefully allow the rooms to reflect both the history of our nation and the executive mansion and the change and progress that the Obamas want to bring to America.”

I mean, if the man can do this to the smallest guest room ever... just think of what he can do to the White House! (Don't you just love the oversized grey toile-inspired walls ?) Check out the full story right here on Domino.