Your Chance To Get "Lucky"

My little article in Lucky's February issue has certainly made me feel blessed, but now it's your turn to get a little Lucky as well!

Fashion Luvr, a new site that features the best sales from online boutiques all over the world, is giving away a total of three one-year subscriptions to Lucky
Magazine to you, my fabulous coco+kelley readers! (PS - Already have a subscription? We'll extend it!) And can I just say what an amazing job Lucky has been doing lately? They've really stepped up their spreads with wearable pieces that look incredibly high end.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment letting us know your favorite online shopping boutiques and the brands they carry. We're not talkin' Nordies and Anthropologie - we want your little sites that you go to for the best fashion goodies, so start spilling your secrets my dears!

The winners will be randomly picked on Friday. Let the commenting begin! And, while you're at it, pop over to the Fashion Luvr site to get a better idea of what they're all about. Similar to the concept of NotCot, users can submit sales from all over and share them with the rest of the world. Can you imagine how big this could get?