Amongst The Vines...

Last year, I was going through wedding photography sites and stopped dead in my tracks when I saw this photo on Michael Norwood's blog site...

I've always dreamt of a small casual wedding amongst the vines, with sunlight filtering through... just. like. this. Her dress is understated and elegant with beautiful detailing along the bottom. His suit? Adorable. The bouquet, complete perfection.

And then, I did the stupidest thing ever. I forgot to bookmark it. There went my perfect wedding inspiration, never to be found again, until...

Out of the blue, I received an email from the florist who did the wedding - Summer at Grey Likes Weddings - responding to the comment I left asking about the arrangements! I think I might have been happier than the happy couple!

To make things even better, when I popped over to her blog, I discovered even more photos from the wedding, and died all over again when I found out...

Her bridesmaids wore GREEN! I mean, seriously, I couldn't imagine anything better.

Ok, except for maybe the little flower girl in her green shoes. Fantastic!