Everybody Needs a (Stylish) Hero

Growing up in LA, I have a vivid memory of the first time I ever walked into a Betsey Johnson store. I think I was somewhere around the age of five, and I thought - wow... this chick really gets me. I wanted every little fluffy crazy petticoat dress in there!

Somewhere around the same time, I received my very first tape. (Yeah, cassette tape people.) It was Cyndi Lauper, and man I loved her. I even dressed up as her for Halloween...

I don't think that in a million years, looking at the style on my blog, you would have pegged me for this kind of loud, colorful outrageous design-lover, but I kind of adore it. And you know why?

Because check these chicas out today. Still kinda doin' their own thing and definitely rocking it. In their cute little houses full of personality. Young at heart. Unafraid to paint the dining room bright pink or wear a prom dress circa 1987.

They remind me that it's ok to go a little bold once in a while. To pick a bright color. to rock the party dress when everyone else is in jeans. To be true to myself. Speaking of which...

Yup, still loving her. Can't wait to have the Vogue issue in my hands. And, of course, today if you asked me for my style heroes the list would be long and diverse, so maybe I'll do some more posts on my favorites in the future.

And what about you, my stylish friends? Who did you love growing up and who is doin' it for you today? Share, share!