Good Morning Sunshine...

When I woke up to more snow again this morning, I decided it would have to be a daydreaming kind of day, to take my mind off of winter...

I'll enjoy a cozy breakfast while warming myself with the sunlight streaming through the windows, and then be off for a little walk with the pup...

Then, just a quick ride on the bike to my practically perfect little office... (wait, what am I doing working on a day like this!?)

Forget being inside! I'll have the girls over for gossip and a fabulous lunch by the ocean instead...

Then a little nap in the sunshine, snacking on ripe summer fruits...

Call the boyfriend to tell him that dinner will be at eight, and won't he please pick up some wine?

Full of sunshine and food, and quite content and happy, it's time for tutu pj's and comfy white sheets... *yawn*... yes... what a lovely day that would be!